Continuous learning has always been a passion of Sifu Danny Kong. Over the past 20 years, he has studied the LLB degree from University of london external programme, LLM and EMBA from the Open University of Hong Kong and City University of Hong Kong.
Sifu Danny Kong's interest in Kung Fu was sparked by Grand Master Wan Kam Leung. He remembers the first day he met Master Wan Kam Leung in school. Master Wan was so kind to introduce what is Practical Wing Chun. His speed, his movement, his effortless power is still deeply buried in Danny's heart. Danny still remembers the day that changed his life - 20th Aug 1999.
Sifu Kong has followed Master Wan for more than 11 years. After 11 years, Sifu Kong feels that he is obliged to promote this unique Wing Chun fighting system worldwide.
In 2007, Sifu Danny Kong became the first disciple to complete all the certifications including the Dragon Pole (Luk Dim Boon Kwun), Butterfly Knives (Bart Cham Dao) and the first official instructor certificate in Hong Kong under Grand Master Wan's accreditation.
On 25th April 2010, Sifu Kong was part of the first Induction ceremony and became a closed door disciple of Grand Master Wan Kam Leung.
Today, there are only five si-hing (Kung Fu Brothers) and one Si Jie (Kung Fu Sister) in this closed-door circle. Sifu Kong is also the elder Kung Fu Brother in this circle and he has the obligation to pass Grand Master Wan's legacy to the next generation.
In 2011, under the permission and accreditation by Grand Master Wan, Sifu Kong was permitted to open a Hong Kong branch of Practical Wing Chun in Hong Kong and became the first regional director of Hong Kong Practical Wing Chun.
It is a great honor for Sifu Kong to undertake this utmost responsibility to preach the Practical Wing Chun system to the rest of the world.
For more information, please visit practicalwingchun
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